Local Foodism

Where Locals Eat


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Plans are per Ad

Plan 3-Rest admin banner+LF website+Email-yearly
$2160 / year
Plan 2-Rest admin banner+LF website-yearly
$1620 / year
Plan 1-Rest admin banner-yearly
$1080 / year
Plan 3-Rest admin banner+LF website+Email-monthly
$200 / month
Plan 2-Rest admin banner+LF website-monthly
$150 / month
Plan 1-Rest admin banner-monthly
$100 / month

What's included

  • Reach decision makers nationally

  • Options for every level of need of communication

  • Stay in front of your target market

  • Plans available for email marketing campaigns

  • Options to promote products to consumer

  • Dashboard to see metrics of views and clicks into ads

  • Publish coupons and recipes live to restaurants admin

  • Submit category and market information for restaurants to become more educated